Rowan's Gambol in Budapest

Racka, the Hungarian young dancer mascot Rowan Youngest dancers of BSDC 32 bar Reel for two couples in a three couple set
by Ildikó Szakolczai, 2023
This dance in SCDDB: see here

The dance was devised in September 2023 for Rowan's visit to Budapest, where Rowan had the opportunity to dance with Racka, the Hungarian young dancer mascot and the youngest members of Budapest Scottish Dance Club.

At the beginning of the dance 1L holds Rowan and 2M holds Racka

 1 -  8   1c+2c Advance (1W/2M pass the mascots to 1M/2W) & Retire ; 
          1c+2c dance BtoB
 9 - 16   1c+2c Advance (1M/2W pass the mascots back to 1W/2M) & Retire ; 
          1c+2c dance Petronella Turn to face partner in line up/down & Set
17 - 24   1c+2c dance half Celtic Reel:
          17-18 : 1c+2c pass partner RSh (1W/2M pass the mascots to 1M/2W)
          19-20 : 1M+2W chase 1/4 way clw while 1W+2M dance 3/4 round each other
                  LSh to face partners in line across
          21-22 : 1c+2c pass partner RSh (1M/2W pass the mascots back to 1W/2M)
          23-24 : 1W+2M chase 1/4 way clw while 1M+2W dance 3/4 round each other
                  LSh to face partners in line up/down
25 - 28   2c+1c Set | dance Petronella Turn to sidelines
29 - 30   2c+1c Advance in diagonal & touch nearer hands in circle 
          (1W & 2M hold the mascots in RH, 2M passes the mascot to 1M bar 30)
31 - 32   2c+1c Retire (1M passes the mascot to 3M bar 32)

Note.1: 2nd time through original 1L in 3rd place passes the mascot to
3L in bar 30, 3L passes it to 2L in bar 32. 3M keeps the mascot to
start the dance from 2nd position.

General rule: if in bar 29 a mascot is in central position, it must
remain there, from the bottom it must be passed to the top & vice versa.

Note.2: When dancing without mascots, dancers touch both hands instead
of passing them.

Rowan's Gambol in Budapest

Budapest Scottish Dance Club - homepage